I am humbled to be interviewed in USA GLOBAL TV AND RADIO SHOW with Host Dr Madalene Chan.
Enter the link below to watch my interview
My profound gratitude to the academic management of the Theological Institute Mission The Last Trumpet in Brazil 🇧🇷 for this honour, Professor on PSYCHOLOGY, MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP issued by Professor Myanmar recommended by HIRM King Prof Mdlaedwa Cheelo Mpembe (MELEK MAYONGO LUBELO YSPH II)
Most people say you are wasting your time in what you do,the tell you that you don't know what you are doing,the call you all sorts of names just to destroy your efforts. I tell you this my people.
Forget about them, people will still be people, don't really care about what the said. Just keep working in silence.
I am officially Prince Prof Michaelnoble Emeghara and this can only be God.
Pay attention I did it without family, friends and community people but with God.
God is the greatest spirit you need in life to thrive. Follow the Lord Jesus Christ.
Still remains The Unpredictable Man.
#glorybetogod #bewise #goddidit
#professormichaelnoble #gpp
#jesuslovesyou you
#jesussaves #acceptjesustoday
My Humble Bio And Story I Am MichaelNoble TheMindGuru,Founder Of The Mind Arena Academy,Founder Of The Mind Guru International Awards ,I am the Author,Peace Ambassador,Poet, Humanitarian,International Celebrity Author ,2x Guinness World Records Author, History First Mental Interviewer.. I am the 3x Celebrity Award Winning International Speaker.I am the International Ambassador Of Peace. I am The Global Humanitarian Icon. I am African Representative In The Global Pandemic Summit. I Am The First Person In African History To Win 3 International Awards Through Public Speaking on the same day and time. I am the 2x Guinness World Records Author. I mentally Interviewed 100+ celebrities across all fields in the world. I mentally Interviewed Celebrity Politicians, Celebrity Soccer Legends, Celebrity Hollywood Actors, Celebrity Bollywood Actors, Celebrity Mr Universe Champions, Celebrity Cricketers, Celebrity Tennis Players ,Celebrity Genius, Spiritual Celebrities,Nobel Leaureate Celebrities, Billionaire Celebrities, Celebrity Orators, Celebrity Gurus, Celebrity Musicians, Celebrity Inventors,Celebrity Authors etc. I was branded The Mind Guru of The World By The World's Most Influencial Author The Celebrity Guru Dr Pravin Patel. I was coached by the greatest Speakers of all time in 2020 with my learning partners Success Resources, Real Success Resources, Raymond Aaron Mastery Of Greatness,Think And Grow Rich Screening during the pandemic and in 2021 post pandemic .I am grateful to be recognized by Les Brown,Eric Thomas,Jay Shetty,Robin Sharma,Robert Kiyosaki,Kevin Trudeau, Sarah Lee Mba,Joel Diamonds,Nelson Mandela,Dr Pravin Patel, Greg Hana,Bob Proctor,Raymond Aaron, Robert J Moore, Serena Brown Travis,Forbes Business Council,Noble World Records,Fearless motivation,Fearless soul,Bindu Badu etc. It is with deep Joy in my heart I co authored my first book with Robert J Moore,Pravin Patel,Serena Brown Travis, Raymond Aaron and other authors across the globe. I Am History First Mental Interviewer after mentally interviewing 100+ of the greatest Speakers and got Coached, recognized, became friends and join the same group with them through observation and mimicking their success system on Facebook. I am The #3x International Best-selling Author, Nominated In 5 Different Categories As A Bestseller In my First Book Magnetic Entrepreneur World Renowned. I am a magnetic entrepreneur VIP and Affiliate to Guinness World Records by Magnetic Entrepreneur. Member In The Hollywood EzWay Wall Of Fame and Global Genius Generation Member .More especially I am a lifelong learner. I am Ancestral Royal Ambassador Under Supreme Council Of African Royalties and Kings In Ikemba 1 Of Africa Royal Family Ulakwo Etche. The World Peace Ambassador to Canada. I am the World Peace Ambassador to United Kingdom both under Her Royal Majesty Queen Of Africa Queen Uba Iwunwa. I didn't all these things inside my humble room in a little community in Imerienwe Ngor Okpala Imo state Nigeria during the pandemic and post pandemic. I am the recipient of 150+ International Awards for my service to humanity in Africa,Asia,South America,North America and Europe. which includes Global Humanitarian Icon Awards (Global Deep Daan Foundation) International Ambassador Of Peace,Nobel Peace Prize Award and Leader Of World Peace 2021 by Prof Abdullghani Yahya Al-ebarh, Nobel Environmental Prize 2021 ,International Golden Environment Art Award,14 Doctorate In Humanities,Peace, Environment from Right To Save Life Foundation , Nobel Peace Prize Awardee by Prof Abdullghani, Egypt (Soveriegn Kingdom of Atlantis)etc International Women Day Declarators Award,Speaker at The World Spiritual Celebration,Fathers Day Celebration, African Representative at The Global Pandemic Summit, International Celebrity Award, Global Peace Ambassador Iqra Foundation, Leadership Award From Agaram foundation, Peace Builder Award,Peace Champion, Living Legend Award From Pheonix Book Of World Records Leadership Rights to save life, World Peace Tree Advocate, Winning Author at International Celebrity Author Awards Canada etc. I am an Executive Contributor at World's #1 Inspirational Magazine Brainz Magazine. I am the man discovering the formula for everything in November 9, 2025 by the grace of God and your love. My Mission, Vision and purpose is to awaken the giant within you and 2 billion of people by the grace of God and your support. I have a terrible past where I was humiliated by a Lecturer inside the classroom when I tried to inquire practical truth as to contribute to the growth of others. Well I asked the Lecturer how can we apply Economics in the Nigerian Economy but I was called loads of names like stupid,crazy must be u. On that day I was like beaten up by life all I did was to travel home to my little village in Imo state Nigeria and went to a humble church where I worship called The Lord's Bride Well On That Day being 3rd of August 2017 . I asked God the same question I asked the Lecturer by fasting for 3 entire days without tasting food or water I nearly died at the last day but I never gave up. After concluding the fast on August 6 I had a blessed assurance that my prayers was answered. On August 7 2017 At 12midnight An angel of God appeared to me and called my name Michaelnoble I got a message for you to give to the world said the angel. Friends I have to run far away seeing this gigantic, light being with sword and shield. When I was busy running they angel told me to wait then I waited and developed the courage to come closer then that light being touched my head and I felt so powerful in that dream. He said your mission is simple Then a board appeared from no where that angel was holding a golden pen in the hand. He wrote on that board "THE MIND ARENA FAITH SPEAKS LIFE . He said go and search for the meaning,study it and become one with it. You will know the remaining as you move on. Imagine an Economist going to learn about The Mind Arena isn't that crazy . A 300 level student moving back to learn about The Mind Arena that's very crazy in the sight of man but phenomenal in God's sight. To make the story short this is how I started studying the super successful and didn't know the how all I know was The Mind Arena Faith Speaks Life nothing else matters to me. I failed in my first The Mind Arena Group On WhatsApp which have a members in ,5 different continents of the world due to my Phone was stolen as I was robbed on the day when I was travelling back to my village. Well i told one of the admins which he told the members. Then I was thinking about how to restructure the mind Arena and not about the recent failure. In 2018 I bought a new phone and went back to the group. So I decided to take it to Facebook where I met my Rich Dad Dr Pravin Patel who later taught me on how to write a book using a Whatsapp live video. It was truly awesome. He later introduced me to many New York Times Bestsellers like Serena Brown,Uncle Raymond Aaron , The Living Angel Robert J Moore etc .He gave me access to be taught by the greatest Speakers of all time. It wasn't long that year I met Sarah Lee MBA in the Twin Flame Community.She became my twin flame oh what a woman. Then I connected with her started what I was so passionate about The Mind Arena Faith Speaks Life. I was writing quotes of mine for almost two years on Facebook well I don't know where it came all I know is I was focused on inspiring people. Sarah Lee saw my dedication and genuineness and decided to introduce me to her friends worldwide and payed for my fee to be Coached by the Greatest Speakers Of All Time and equally introduced me to Eric Zuley who gave me access to meet his super star celebrity friends in The EzWay TV Group On Facebook where I was recognized by a Two times Grammy Awards Winner Joel Diamonds, What a love. What a mother. This is how Sarah's influence and Dr Pravin Patel Influence lead to my success in Personal Development. I will be discussion more in my upcoming book Rich Mum Rich Son ,and Rich Dad Rich Son. Watching my at my background and story will help you to realize that you cannot judge a book by it's cover. Judging from where I came from Umuoye Imerienwe Ngor Okpala Local Government Area Of Imo State Nigeria. Where the occupation is majorly subsistence farming. A locality where the politicians are taking almost as a Good and the people their slaves,filled with inferiority complex,low self-esteem and poor self image, I still achieved greatness by writing this book after being insulted, humiliated and embarrassed by the lecturer in the University Of Nigeria Nsukka (Alvan Campus). Appreciate our viewers and those who followed us through for giving us their time. Please follow us on Facebook and share this with your friends and family. Always remember The illiterates of our society will not be those that didn't goto school rather those that failed to use The mind technology given to mankind by the maker. An abundant mind brings with it an abundant life. Thanks for your love,like and Support. #HistoryFirstMentalInterviewer #TheMindGuruOfTheWorld #LeaderOfWorldPeace #GlobalHumanitarianIcon #EzWayWallOfFamer #MagneticEntrepreneurAffiliate #WorldPeaceAmbassadorToCanada #WorldPeaceAmbassadorToUnitedKingdom #GuinesssWorldRecordsHolder #InternationalAmbassadorOfPeace #InternationalBestseller #TheEternalStudent Please Connect With Me [email protected] my email @ [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/michaelnoble.emeghara The group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/277549856200835/permalink/822364275052721/ Connect with me on LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelnoble-emeghara-a314121a9 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZsOgs4Mvff/?utm_medium=copy_link https://ezwaywalloffame.com/members/michael578/