Do you feel like your Working Harder Not Smarter?
Do you want More Time to do what you L❤️VE?
Would you like to Retire Sooner, rather than Later?
My proven strategy allowed me to Retire at the young age of 45.😁
Hi 🥰
My name is Jackie Harris, I am a Credit Card Trader🤑
(Expert Credit Strategist.😎 Nothing to do w/the Stock Market). Your Credit Score Doesn’t Matter.
I Show people how to Trade Bad Debt for Good Debt using OPM & DTF’s (w/o having to use your hard earned money)
How to Get Access to Tax Free Capital.
How to Buy More Time to do what you L❤️VE.
For More information, visit:
or the
eZWay Wall of Fame.
Thank you.
G❤️D B🙏
Credit Card Trading Course Promotion
By Imagine Trading.
Beginner's Course Promotion:
Before Launch: $300
After Launch: 1k
Beginner's Manual
Step by Step Instructions to Beginner’s Credit Card Trading
Credit Card Trading Tool Box, Includes:
Budget Work Sheet
Float Chart (Instructions)
Beginner's Script to raise Capital with the Credit Card Company
Credit Card Assistant (1 Month Free)
Short, Step by Step, Straight to the Point Videos
Certificate after Completion🔥😎
Lifetime Access to course & updates
Lifetime Access to Jackie Harris via phone
Lifetime Access to infinite banking experts
Credit Repair Experts (1 Month Free)
1 TradeLine (Free)
Access to Private Facebook Group
Visit https://creditcardtrading.com
G❤️D B 🙏
Credit Card usage is at all time high (1 Trillion)
The American people are living paycheck to paycheck and having difficulties paying off credit card debt. There is another way, an easier way to pay off the debt without sacrificing your income or getting into more debt. I’ve been doing it for over 20 years. This proven strategy has afforded me financial Freedom. 🔥❤️😎
Learn how to buy time to pay off debt without having to sacrifice income.🔥❤️😎
I am an Expert, Credit Card Strategist. I show people how to buy time to pay off debt without having to sacrifice income.🔥❤️😎
1-Living Paycheck to Paycheck.
2-Living in Debt.
3-Using your Hard Earn Money to Pay Off Debt.
1-Learn how to play the Game of Credit.
2-Live Debt Free.
3-Use Other Financial Tools (OPM) to Assist you with Paying Off Debt.
Keep More Money in your Pocket 🔥 Get Access to Unlimited Credit.🤑🤑🤑
Introducing A.I Jackie (aka B. Pro)
Jackie Harris, Retired NYC Correction Officer also known as B.Pro, went from correcting inmates to correcting the health and wealth of her clients, taking them to their next level (health is the real wealth). Jackie invests in people by adding value to their lives, making her interactions transformational, not transactional. Jackie is a professional student, researcher, motivator, rebel credit card trader, board-certified holistic practitioner, blood flow expert, anti-aging specialist, functional nutritionist, licensed life insurance agent, armed guard, personal trainer, and serial affiliate marketer, just to name a few. If you're looking for a shortcut to preventative health and wealth, look no further. Jackie's services are free; she prefers her clients to spend money on themselves and not on her. Jackie only charges if she has to repeat the process twice because time is currency. Time waits for no one, why she lives life to the fullest because you only die once. For more information, visit
http://www.creditcardtrading.com https://facebook.com/groups/imaginetrading
Appointments with B.Pro (845) 502-6529
Monday - Friday 12:30 PM (EST) - 10 PM (EST)
Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.
G❤️D B 🙏