I am Anna Imagination of The Healing Garden and PANDO. I walk big, I talk big, and I deliver. I am in the business of putting the ABSTRACT and COMMUNITY back into HUMANITY using my Radical Global Healing Plan. My final Destination is world peace. I am a Philosopher Bard, a Societal Solutionist, and an Ontological Physicist and I have the Cure to Mental Illness (It's just Logical Code and an Algorithm). I am on a Pilgrimage and this is that pilgrimage. I come bearing GIFTS and offerings of peace from my Community to yours. I offer to you my Triadic Healing. I offer you my Networking Community, PANDO, which is Ethical, Logic, Love, and Truth Based. I have Investors (to my right) and Idea Generators (to my left), and I connect them to make all three of us money in a win-win-win. Believe me, you want to know me. https://linktr.ee/annaimagination