I am Anna Imagination of Community Gaia, The University Emporium, and The Alexandria Project. I am an Ashavana. I built PANDO : The Societal Plugin to give Society an Upgrade to solve World Problems. I am head of The Genius Global Group, Lab QED, The Alma Mater, and The Triadic Healing Gardens. I am Founder of 7 New Academic Disciplines including Psychological Physics, Quantum Logic, and Power Economics. I built the Prosthetic Subconscious Mind and have the Blueprint of The Universes' Equilibrium translated into Logic, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Music, and Human Propagation. Here is everything you need to know about what I am doing --> World Peace Ambassadors, Societal Solutionists, Scientists, Philanthropists, and Psychologists really need to pay attention to what I am doing. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hIp3sDCODEEqBtrPxPjaWqVdOuR_KFPo3uriRDaxYb4/edit?usp=sharing