The Radical Global Healing Plan is rolling! We are currently in Kenya and are working on establishing our first Community Gaia in Eldorat City. We have our Psychological Team and Teacher Team now being built. If you want to learn more and/or get involved, Head to Welcome! -->
This is a very unusual approach, but I have a very unusual situation and offer.
I am Anna Imagination, owner and founder of The Healing Garden.
I am Founder of a new science that exists above Biology. I am an Ashavana and the 5th Generation of Student from the Founder of Education, Wisdom, and Knowledge who was King Solomon, Zoroaster, and Pythagoras.
Concentric Industries has collaborated with The Healing Garden and we have built the Solution to fix, resolve, and upgrade all the crisis on the planet.
From The Healing Garden:
We have the Cure to Mental Illness.
We teach people how to be geniuses.
We have a Societal Upgrade that acts like a "Plugin" to correct Society.
We have mastered Education and are reviving the Core of Quality and Ethical Education that birthed the Academic Disciplines.
Concentric Industries is building Waste-to-Energy plants.
They have the solution for clean air, clean soil, clean water.
They have the solution to turn Waste into Fuel.
They have the Solution for Global Hunger.
They have a Currency that is Independent from Taxation.
We are not in the early stages of Conception. We are done. The Science is complete and proven. We are building and implementing what we have.
We have partnered with The Gutenberg Project who is our official "Library of Alexandria."
We are already talking with World System Solutions to resolve Global Climate.
We have built an upgraded Educational System based on the work of Solomon, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, and Plato.
This is The Radical Global Healing Plan and it is equipped with The Healing Engine. Our final destination is World Peace and we have the strategy in place to do so.
We have investors who have promised over 1 Trillion to begin. But we need one bridge loan to launch it. This bridge loan is $7 Million down, $10 Million back in one week.
That loan will put everything into motion to roll this out and get it to everyone across the planet.
If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, or if you know someone who would be interested, please forward this message on and/or contact me via DM.
Thank you and may the Truth always find you.
#worldpeace #finance #invest #radicalglobalhealingplan
I have started up the Daily Radical Global Healing Plan... A daily walk-through / Lesson Plan and Execution for Natural Nourishing Living built from the Ancient Greek Educational System.
Infused with the cure to Mental Health, the path of your Pilgrimage, Abundance, and Prosperity, Triadic Healing walks you through all the stages of all healing.
We are diving deeper into the work of Hippocrates who had studied and Mastered Preventative Health Practices, which he taught in the Ancient Greek Educational System.
Hello! I am Anna imagination. I am leading the Healing Reformation. My work is foreign and unprecedented. It contradicts 100% of everything you were taught. I was born and raised under the Ancient Greek Educational System where we were taught WHAT an Educational System is and what it does.
An Educational System is the "Seed" of a Civilization. It is WHERE your Mindset comes from to produce a Society.
You can always measure your Educational System (Any Educational System) just by looking at HOW your Societal is doing.
If your Society was exposed to:
👉 The British Empire
👉 The Holy Roman Empire
👉 Christianity (NOT Christ)
Then you have The Roman Educational System... except... Rome didn't HAVE an Educational System. In fact, they declared war on Education in 300 BCE, when they had Socrates Executed. Over 800 Years, Rome launched war on every educational System until there was none left. In 380 CE, upon declaring Christianity as their Religion, they destroyed all of Alexandria, the last of the Philosophy schools, and The Olympics, officially ending The Ancient Greek Civilization...
100 years later, The Dark Ages had begun.
For the next 1,000 years, Rome ruled all of Europe in disguise as "The Holy Roman Empire" and when the ignorance was finally so bad that they couldn't even speak, they realized they needed Education after all.
Rome was birthed by Romulus who killed his brother, Remus. Romulus was Cane. And all of Rome was The City of Cane. And all that produced from Rome bore the Mark of Cane.
Your Educational System is an offspring of The Mark of Cane. Which is why War is in your Schools. That is the Mindset that came from your Educational System. Narcissism. Consumption. The Mark of Cane. It all is "War" Society.
The Ancient Greeks were different. They built their Educational System on and around The Nature. They used their Educational System to Nourish the Natural, Ethical, Love and Truth Mindset, and they Mastered Education, Growth, Nourishment, and Growth. This is Love.
The best example of this Societal Contrast is the Mindset contrast between Our Society vs. The Olympics. The Olympics are PURE Ancient Greek Educational System Mindset. What are the traits and characteristics of the Olympics? What is the Purpose behind them? This is the Embodiment of all things Greek.
You cannot have a Learning/Love/Grow Culture while you cultivate and Nourish a War Culture and your Educational System was birthed from The Mark of Cane. How good can an Educational System be when it's birthed from Cane?
We are in the process of Reviving Alexandria and the Ancient Greek Educational System. We have already partnered with Project Gutenberg. Wikipedia is next.
I am Anna Imagination of Community Gaia, The University Emporium, and The Alexandria Project. I am an Ashavana. I built PANDO : The Societal Plugin to give Society an Upgrade to solve World Problems. I am head of The Genius Global Group, Lab QED, The Alma Mater, and The Triadic Healing Gardens. I am Founder of 7 New Academic Disciplines including Psychological Physics, Quantum Logic, and Power Economics. I built the Prosthetic Subconscious Mind and have the Blueprint of The Universes' Equilibrium translated into Logic, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Music, and Human Propagation. Here is everything you need to know about what I am doing --> World Peace Ambassadors, Societal Solutionists, Scientists, Philanthropists, and Psychologists really need to pay attention to what I am doing.