<div> <h3 class="text-heading-xlarge inline t-24 v-align-middle break-words">Rich Parsons Success Coach ✒ Chief Editor</h3> </div> <div class="text-body-medium break-words"> Business Clarity ★ Mindset Mastery ★ People Development ★ Succession Planning ✒ Founder/Editor - Your Success e-Magazine ★ Leadership Expert ★ Entrepreneur Military Veteran (TS/SCI)</div> <div></div> <div> Wants to help entrepreneurs, leaders and business professionals up-level their awareness and connect with their teams | Create intentional action steps to overcome blind spots and limitations | Help people develop healthy mindsets and escape unhealthy thinking, feelings and beliefs Create success strategies through leadership development, individual and group coaching, team development. Help entrepreneurs, business leaders and aspiring speakers discover and overcome limiting beliefs, fear and doubt in their story, to create greater impact and influence. Partner with everyday entrepreneurs and business professionals to establish credibility and expert status through the use of digital marketing, in <strong>Your Success Magazine</strong>, to reach nearly 100K potential readers. Join FB page... @YourSuccessMag Subscribe here... https://www.highercallingconsultingllc.com/your-success-e-magazine-opt-in </div>