<ol><li><img src="" data-wp-more="more" data-wp-more-text="" class="wp-more-tag mce-wp-more" alt="" title="Read more..." data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1">tiffany cheir is a Singer and songwriter for 15 years and have a passion for writing and being a ambassador to the stars.</li></ol><p>Performed as a backup vocalist for Michael w Smith and chris Tomlin at the age of 19 .</p><p>Grew up in church non denomination Christian background. Dececdant of a multi cultural parents mother is a native American from tribe Apache and father is from Wales England and Switzerland with parts of Germany decent .</p><p>Learned radio broadcasts at the same school as Howard stern and have been on terrestrial radio ktla in Los Angeles California.</p><p>Studying theatres arts school with Lindsey Lohan and have had chance to be part of many films like castle tv series 2010 and star is born with Bradley cooper and lady gaga 2019</p><p>written by ghostwriting many songs and some movie scripts for A list films and platinum selling albums .genre is pop and soul .</p><p>Trained with Terry Sharpe as a young life coach . Ex manager to Mary j blige .</p><p>Currently producing songs with Atlantic record producer out of Hollywood ca. Real line music</p><p>Currently doing radio and current event broadcasts with right door productions perris Alexander is vocal training.</p><p>served the military as a armoror and supply sergeant for 10 years .</p><p>entrepreneur and aspiring book writer also freelance model and radio personality .</p><p>a mother of many children and have 2 grand children .</p><p>Will continue to love god and serve .</p>