<span style="font-weight: 400;">So A little about me: I have been an Entrepreneur for over 30 Yrs. and I can say I love it and I love My Life! And the part that wasn’t easy is why I’m passionate about supporting Entrepreneurs. I always knew that if I had a support system, encouragement in my successes and failures, and available resources… It would not have been such a struggle getting started in the beginning… and that is why I created Y.E.A. to offer that to many entrepreneurs. My declared commitment is to support 1 Million Entrepreneurs to Thrive in the next five years. I'm happy to say I'm on my way!</span> Y.E.A. is a global program we offer a 10-week coaching zoom course supporting Entrepreneurs to Thrive. We started our online Fall courses for North America and Africa in Oct. We teach the 6 Pillars for Thriving Mindset… It’s a big deal Focus Declaration Visualization Accountability/Imperfect Action Community We are currently involved in many projects that make a difference in fourteen countries in Africa and projects in North America. I run four businesses and a Podcast I offer Social Media Consulting and I just launched my E-book in Aug. <h5><strong>You've Got One Life... Love it! Y.E.A. Six Pillars for Thriving Now</strong></h5>