Jeremiah Poindexter is feeling Blessed
8 w

We are taking back our power and authority in 2025. πŸ’ͺ😎
It's past time to thrive.
Will you be victorious with us?

So many things in this World are outside of our control. It can easily leave us feeling like victims of circumstances, accepting sub-par living conditions, and accepting dis-eases, dis-ability, and dysfunction as a result.

For way too long we have been dealt toxic food, water, and even medicine by the hands of corrupt greedy corporations, institutions, and even government organizations.

It's way past time to take back our power and authority slowly but surely. This doesn't actually happen with protest, violence, or even boycotting per say.
It's time to stop complaining about what we don't like or fighting against what we don't agree with. It's time to simply choose to create the life we want to live one small empowering step at a time.

This is done by taking response-ability for our own choices, health, and overall wellbeing. We will continue to shift the paradigm by being the change we want to see in the World. We will understand that every dollar we spend casts a vote for what we want to see more of in the World.

If you are ready to take back your power and authority as well and change the World as we know it comment,

"Proactive is better than reactive."

We got this, I believe in we the people for the people. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒ

#empowerment #environmentalwellness #personalwellness #personalwellbeing #personalwellnesscoach #inspiration #inspirational #change #changeyourlife #changethenarrative #changeyourmindset #changeisgood #changetheworld #changetheculture #protectourchildren #protectwhatmatters #protectyourpeace #healthiswealth #renewal #renewyourmind #takebackyourhealth #takebackcontrol #takebackyourtime #takebackyourpower #takebackyourauthority #takebackyourlife
