Create Your Reality

Discover how to create your own reality with Zoilita Grant’s 7 Steps to an Extraordinary Life. This Master Class on October 8, 9, and 10 10-11 am MDT you will learn the laws of successful living and how to align your subconscious with your goals. Don’t miss out – register now! Free Master Class

Emotional Life: How will you feel in your ideal life? How will you express your full range of emotions in that ideal life?

Relationship and Family Life: Describe your ideal loving relationship and family life. List the qualities you would like in your partner. What size family and type of coupleship do you envision? What kind of friends will you have? What kind of groups will you get involved with?

Mental Life: What do you want to do with your mind? What kinds of activities stimulate you? What would you like to study? What keeps you intellectually engaged?

Physical Life: What is your ideal weight or level of fitness? How do you eat in your ideal life? What kind of physical exercise do you do?

Financial Life: What are your finances like in your ideal life? How much money do you make? What is your standard of living? Be detailed and specific.

Career: What is your ideal career? What do you love doing that gives you a sense of pleasure and purpose? Does your career provide the financial reward you seek?

Spiritual Life: How do you connect spiritually with your sense of the Divine? What is your philosophy of life? What is your authentic self like?

Are you ready to achieve the brilliance you’ve always known you were capable of? Are you tired of being ordinary? "Breakthrough to Brilliance" coaching is what you need. Do you want to take your life to the next level. You can overcome barriers, maximize your strengths, and achieve your most ambitious goals.

With me as your coach, you’ll gain access to the tools and insights that have transformed countless lives. Don’t let another day go by—achieve your brilliance. Your extraordinary life starts now.

Fast track your success schedule a 30 min breakthrough session

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Letting Go of Your Past
