So how important are greens to our health. Greens are used to detox your organs, cleanse your blood, balance your Ph plus provide excellent nutrition. You can see below that the molecular makeup of plant chlorophyll and human hemoglobin are practically identical. This means that the better quality raw greens you get into your body it is the next best thing to having a blood transfusion.
Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart. Anyone who is diagnosed with myocarditis there is a 50% chance of death within 5 years. The media is not covering this because it would draw attention to the cause. What I have learned over the last 15 years is that by increasing Nitric Oxide production you can clean the cardiovascular system and repair it completely.
Unfortunately the media is ignoring this data. Everyone needs to know this and do everything they can to support their own cardiovascular system, immune system, Ph balance and gut microbiome. This gives the body a fighting chance against all the poisons it has to deal with, not to mention the extra ones being injected into it. I am happy to guide anyone on the journey of taking back control of their long term health and wellness.
15 years ago I learned how to reverse heart disease and other cardiovascular issues. When you provide the body the nutrition to repair the cardiovascular system, balance the immune system, balance Ph and reset the gut microbiome the body will fix it's own issues naturally. I love helping people to take control of their own long term health and wellness and have watched and been involved the most amazing cases over that 15 year period.