Orly Amor is a public speaker and business coach who helps coaches, authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs get booked as paid speakers and maximize their bottom line. With over 27 years of experience in this field, she has worked with thousands of professionals around the world and has helped them triple and quadruple their sales. She is the only business coach for public speakers who guarantees a revenue of $150K in the first year of working with her or she will work with them until they make that money. She is a bestselling author of several books, including "The Twelve Powers We Hold Within" and "Public Speakers, You're Not All That". She holds an MBA and a JD degree, and is certified in human behavior analysis. She speaks three languages fluently and is a remarkable networker. Orly's mission is to spread her message and positively impact, inspire, and empower millions of people. Orly is also a trustee and founder of You Are My Light Foundation & Trust, a non-profit organization that aims to build healing centers for rescued victims of human trafficking, sex and labor slavery. She is passionate about giving them back their God-given right to life, freedom, education, and autonomy.