We are Veterans helping Veterans overcome the challenges of homelessness. I am a just a regular guy, nothing special about me, but feeling a moral obligation to do something about the growing problem of homelessness for our returning Veterans. Coming from a military family and being an Air Force brat, <span class="markkt4gze3hx" data-markjs="true" data-ogac="" data-ogab="" data-ogsc="" data-ogsb="">my</span> personal experiences and feelings from <span class="markkt4gze3hx" data-markjs="true" data-ogac="" data-ogab="" data-ogsc="" data-ogsb="">my</span> Dad’s deployment to Vietnam several times allowed me to recognize the differences in returning Veterans from that era and the Veterans today. Throughout the 60's and 70's I was forced to experience the feelings of deployment, abandonment and uncertainty from a child's perspective and recognize now how it shaped <span class="markkt4gze3hx" data-markjs="true" data-ogac="" data-ogab="" data-ogsc="" data-ogsb="">my</span> life. I understand the transition from military life to civilian life and the survival process both from the perspective of a child, teenager and as an adult. Suffering symptoms, living a life we didn’t understand, not knowing what PTSD was yet and now do brought <span class="markkt4gze3hx" data-markjs="true" data-ogac="" data-ogab="" data-ogsc="" data-ogsb="">my</span> inside awareness out. Using <span class="markkt4gze3hx" data-markjs="true" data-ogac="" data-ogab="" data-ogsc="" data-ogsb="">my</span> own money I created <span class="markkt4gze3hx" data-markjs="true" data-ogac="" data-ogab="" data-ogsc="" data-ogsb="">my</span> first non-profit, Cardboard Concepts in 2010 as a way to bring awareness to homelessness using cardboard just as our homeless do to ask for money, work or help. The goal being to bring awareness to homelessness for Veterans.