Hi Everyone and Happy Holidays!!!

I am hosting an upcoming Workshop that is of interest to all business owners!
"Effortless Lead-Capture Workflow" Workshop.
"Effortless Lead-Capture Workflow" Workshop

Is List Building near the top of your 2025 todo list?
A key asset for our biz's is to own our own lists and one great way to build it is using Lead Capture methods
where the visitor fills-out a form to get a lead-magnet delivered; as an example.
But Lead Capture has many more variations than this - any one of which builds your list.

Do you want an easy to implement, low-tech, economical way to not only build your lists
but easily automate the followup tasks?
Also my workflow is customizable to your needs and biz model and allows for "set-it-once"
and re-use functionality.
This is also an expandable system that supports any # of custom forms, lists and automation's any of which can be used again and again.

I am hosting a Workshop that is designed for DIYers where I cover what tools are best, features the tools must have and a full demo on how to setup the tech system.
All of the tools configuration steps are covered to implement the Workflow along with reference resources for your use after the Workshop.

Join me @ the upcoming Workshop where you will easily be able to setup your own List Building system and NEVER loose a web-form lead again nor mess-up on the followup!!

See the following link to register ASAP -